EASA Part-66 Training - Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML) - BASIC TRAINING


IAT147 is a Maintenance Training Organization (MTO), EASA Part-147 certified that provides Specialized Training according to EASA Part-66 regulations; the only ones in Italy that, to date, can deliver all modules from the first to the last (1-17) in all sub-categories.

With IAT147 you have the possibility to register directly for the exam you want and study independently or with our help, always being able to manage your time according to your professional and personal schedule.

The Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML) is issued by the Aviation Authority (ENAC or equivalent at other EASA states), after verifying that all modules applicable to the licence category applied for, have been passed, and after verifying the appropriate experience. By the Aviation Authority the Technician, if approved by the Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) quality system (QM), EASA Part-145 or Part-M certified has the Privilege of signing the Certificate of Release to Service (CRS) for the Aircraft, to which he/she is licensed and company approved. In essence, the Certified Technician, by signing the release of the Aircraft, takes responsibility for the lives of the crew and passengers, be they 5, 50 or 500...

How it works?

  • Sign up for the desired module examination
  • Receive training material
  • Study independently
  • Select a date on which to take the exam

       *  Dedicated lessons and in-depth reviews of content available upon request

Applicable Categories

The basic examinations at IAT147 are valid and available for all categories.

Note: Cat A. is included in B1.; at IAT147, we do not provide "A" category examinations, as we consider them a useless waste of time and money, however our higher level examinations also fulfill the requirements of sub-categories. 

  • B1.1 Aeroplanes Turbine;
  • B1.2 Aeroplanes Piston;
  • B1.3 Helicopters Turbine;
  • B1.4 Helicopters Piston;
  • B2 Avionics (Aviation Electronics all Aircraft, Aeroplanes and Helicopters)
  • B2L Avionics Limited to applicable system (Radio systems, navigation systems, etc).
  • B3 Non-pressurized piston-engine airplanes of 2000 kg MTOM and below.

The student is therefore able to select the basic examination for the relevant licence.


Basic examinations per module

Modules info

Module 1. Mathematics

Category B1, B2, B2L, B3: 32 multi-choice questions, 40 minutes.

Module 2. Physics

Category B1, B2, B2L: 52 multi-choice questions, 65 minutes.

Category B3: 32 multi-choice questions, 40 minutes.

Module 3. Electrical Fundamentals

Category B1, B2, B2L: 52 multi-choice questions, 65 minutes.

Category B3: 24 multi-choice questions, 30 minutes.

Module 4. Electronic Fundamentals

Category B1, B3: 20 multi-choice questions, 25 minutes.

Category B2, B2L: 40 multi-choice questions, 50 minutes.

Module 5. Digital Techniques, Electronic Instrument Systems

Category B1: 40 multi-choice questions, 50 minutes.

Category B2, B2L and B1.4: 72 multi-choice questions, 90 minutes.

Category B3: 20 multi-choice questions, 25 minutes.

Module 6. Materials and Hardware

Category B1, B3: 80 multi-choice questions, 100 minutes.

Category B2, B2L: 60 multi-choice questions, 75 minutes.

Module 7. Maintenance Practices

Category B1, B3: 80 multi-choice questions + 2 essay questions, 100 minutes + 40 minutes.

Category B2, B2L: 60 multi-choice questions + 2 essay questions, 75 minutes + 40 minutes.

Module 7B. Maintenance Practices

Category B3: 60 multi-choice and 2 essay questions, 75 minutes plus 40 minutes.

Module 8. Basic Aerodynamics

Category B1, B2, B2L, B3: 24 multi-choice and 0 essay questions, 30 minutes.

Module 9. Human Factors

Category B1, B2, B2L, B3: 28 multi-choice questions, 35 minutes.

Module 10. Aviation Legislation

Category B1, B2, B2L, B3: 44 multi-choice questions, 55 minutes.

Module 11. Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems

Category B1.1: 140 multi-choice questions, 175 minutes.

Category B1.2: 100 multi-choice questions, 125 minutes.

Category B3: 60 multi-choice questions, 75 minutes.

Module 12. Helicopter Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems

Category B1.3: 128 multi-choice questions, 160 minutes.

Module 13. Aircraft Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems

Category B2: 188 multi-choice questions, 235 minutes.

Category B2L "Basic Requirements": 32 multi-choice questions, 40 minutes.

Category B2L "COM/NAV": 24 multi-choice questions, 30 minutes.

Category B2L "INSTRUMENTS": 20 multi-choice questions, 25 minutes.

Category B2L "AUTOFLIGHT": 28 multi-choice questions, 35 minutes.

Category B2L "SURVEILLANCE": 20 multi-choice questions, 25 minutes.

Category B2L "AIRFRAME SYSTEM": 52 multi-choice questions, 65 minutes.

Module 14. Propulsion

Category B2, B2L "INSTRUMENTS", B2L "AIRFRAME SYSTEM": 32 multi-choice questions, 40 minutes.

Module 15. Gas Turbine Engine

Category B1.1, B1.3: 92 multi-choice questions, 115 minutes.

Module 16. Piston Engine

Category B1.2, B1.4, B3: 76 multi-choice questions, 95 minutes.

Module 17. Propeller

Category B1.1, B1.2, B3: 32 multi-choice questions, 40 minutes.